Pyro's Life: Manufactured Holiday </A>

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Manufactured Holiday

NP- I Want To Save You (Live Andrew Solo)
by Something Corporate

Well, I have been majorly slacking as far as regular posting, I've been both busy and lazy, It's been a really interesting, confusing time lately. Almost a week since SoCo and Trish, Mitch, and I miss it tons. It was seriously one of the most amazing nights of my life.

On Valentines Day I wasn't feeling too amazing, so I got checked out of English and went home for the rest of the day. Valentines was my Work Day essnetially. Gall I hate that freaking manufactured holiday... Watching all the couples being cute together and stuff, sure its great if you're the one with someone or actually have a reason to celebrate, but otherwise, it's just a major downer. Plus it's totally manufactured and a great excuse for various companines accross horray for all you Valentines Card Companies and Flower Shops, this is the most business you'll get all year. Enjoy it while you can.


I always get screwed over on V-day. We'll just pretend that Valentines Day was celebrated the Friday before at SoCo and that can count as a good Valentines Day.

lol, good heck.

Anyways, I have a freaking Jazz Festival tomorrow, we played for the school today and no one can freaking play together, it really pisses me off... I wish I was in Jazz 2.

I need to be saving up a lot of money for some recording equiptment... gotta buy a PODXT and probably a decent Mic along with a few other things.

Alright, enough whining, I gotta start my History Report.



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