Pyro's Life: Emotions and Rollercoasters </A>

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Emotions and Rollercoasters

NP-Walking in Memphis
by Lonestar

This whole week... holy crap.

Sunday was one of the worst days ever... I swear there were too many times in that day that seemed like I just wanted to stop living... a giant emotional rollercoaster where I almost lost the person more important to me then anything... thank you, to both Trisha and Kimball for helping me through this one. Trisha, thanks for dropping everything and coming over, it made me feel a whole lot better, think a little more clear. You're an awesome friend. Events of Sunday I really don't want to have to relive, so I'm not going to even try... just know that they worked out, I don't know quite how, cause I was almost certain it was over, but we made it through stronger...

Monday was a little shaky, I absolutely had to see Meghan though, so I went over and caught her for a little over a minute before she left for work, that was a nice confirmation and made me feel a little bit better. It wasn't till later that evening that I felt alright again, I wanted to somehow see her and just be able to talk to her and know, for a fact, that everything was alright. I guess I somehow received that 'confirmation' if you will, and I just felt a whole lot better after Monday was over.

Tuesday I don't recall too much of what happened... I hung out with Kimball and we went to Sonic to grab some food and really started talking about things, it was awesome to be able to just talk to him and stuff, we both had some fun.

Wednesday was my little brothers birthday, so I just kinda hung around all day long, Kimball stopped by and we just kinda hung around for a while and stuff. Kara stopped by and to be sincere, was quite pissy... Kimball and I went to dinner with the rest of the family, then came home and talked to Meg. We finally decided that Kimball had to meet Meg, so we ended up at Megs for a little over a half hour just talking in her living room and stuff, which was really cool. Then we ran home from Megs and stopped by Kara's because we told her that we'd call her after dinner. Spent three minutes over there talking infront of her house, then continued running home. Made a three mile run in twenty five minutes, so we were pretty happy for ourselves :).

Thursday I was in Salt Lake all freakin day long, just school shopping and stuff. After I got home, Kimball and I loaded up my head and took it over to his place and hooked it up to his brother's Mesa cab. Played through it for a very short time before Kara and Jessie came over. Talked to Jessie for a while, which was cool to be able to do again. Kara was still being upset, which I can understand, but it still wasn't too fun. She's really got to try to let go...

Friday, Cole came over and then Meg and Mollie stopped by to say 'hey'. So I got to see her for a little while, which was awesome :)

Hung around for the rest of the evening talking to Meg and Mollie on the phone. Then Trish, Mikelle and Renee stopped by, it was really great to see them again, I hadn't seen Trish in almost a week, and hadn't seen Mikelle and Renee for at least a month. But we just goofed off outside and had fun for a little while.

Today I finally got my cell phone running, which it's about freaking time... stupid Verizon...

Anyways, mowed lawns, a lot of lawns, then went to Megs with Cole. We plugged in a movie, but in the end just talked and goofed off the whole time. Meg was pretty hyper today which was really cute :). Went to the airport to pick up my dad afterwards and then Kimball was at my house when I was home, so we talked for a while about stuff and Meg and Jen swung by, which was really cool :).

Wow, tiredness hit...



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